“Forest Dark” – Nicole Krauss

Discussion Questions

  1. What did you like/dislike most about the book? Give a generic rating of 1-5.
  2. How did you experience the book? Were you engaged immediately, or did it take you a while to get into it? 
  3. How did you feel while reading it?
  4. The author begins the story with Epstein’s children learning of his disappearance. Why do you think she chose this as an entry point to the story? 
  5. What are your feelings about this beginning once you’ve read the rest of Epstein’s story?
  6. Why did Epstein give things away? How did the people around him respond? How did giving things away affect him? 
  7. What is Nicole’s notion of being two places at once? How does she explain it? How does this notion affect her actions? How does the author use this concept to frame Nicole’s story?
  8. Nicole talks about trying to see the world as different than it really is. How do we see this in both Epstein and Nicole’s stories?
  9. What is the result of Nicole’s experience in Tel Aviv?
  10. Why is Epstein opposed to belief? How is the theme of belief present in Forest Dark?
  11. A major theme in Forest Dark is the theme of binding. What does the author mean by binding? What forms does it take in this narrative? 
  12. The author alternates narratives of Epstein and Nicole. What is the difference in narrative style, and what purpose does each style serve?
  13. What is the symbolism of Epstein’s Annunciation painting in this story? What happens to the painting?
  14. What is the role of violence in the various relationships in the book? What is the relationship between love and violence according to the author, to Epstein, and to Nicole?
  15. Are the main characters dynamic—changing or maturing by the end of the book? Do they learn about themselves, how the world works and their role in it?
  16. Did you find the plot easy to follow? Is there a plot per se?
  17. Do you think this book could be made into a movie?
  18. How would you describe the structure of this book?
  19. Why do you think the author wrote the book in this way? 
  20. What do you think the author’s purpose was in writing this book? What ideas was he or she trying to get across? 
  21. How did its structure affect the way you read the book?
  22. What did you think of the setting of the story? Could you see yourself in the places described?
  23. What are the main themes you take away from the book?
  24. If you recommended this book to someone, what would you say it was about?
  25. What did you think about the ending? Was it satisfying?
  26. If you could ask the author one question, what would it be?
  27. What do you think will stick with you after having read this novel? Have you learned anything new or been exposed to different ideas about people or a certain part of the world?
  28. What did you make of the note at the end, where the author says she excuses her characters from all liability, and that her book takes its title from Dante’s potent lines: “Midway upon the journey of our life/I found myself within a forest dark,/For the straightforward pathway had been lost.”
  29. What did you think of the title?
  30. How about the cover? 

Credit for questions to study.com and litlovers.com.